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Innovation Consultancy Services | InnovationXchange | IXC UK Ltd

Innovation Consultancy Services | InnovationXchange | IXC UK Ltd

11th June 2014

Innovation and new transport technologies were the centre of discussion last week at IXC headquarters, Innovation Birmingham.

IXC client, Transport Systems Catapult, hosted the event, and their Chief Technology Officer Dr Paul Zanelli gave the headlining speech which underlined how the Intelligent Mobility Market- made up of mobile devices, Internet of Things, open data, and wireless communications- is forecast to grow from a £137bn slice of today’s Transport market to £900bn in 2025.

Dr Zanelli took the audience on a journey from the inefficient modal centric design of the past, to Integrated Transport (starting with Passenger Information, graduating to the Internet of Things, Systems Centric design, and control systems), culminating in Intelligent Mobility involving augmented reality, automated trust management, onwards to alternative movement of people, e.g. virtual reality, to cost-effective movement of goods such as 3D printing.

Dr Zanelli concluded that the key capabilities accessible today such as connectivity, simulation, open data, data fusion, network modelling and visualisation, can facilitate services and features such as booking systems, seamless communications, concierge, load modelling, decision making under uncertainty and critical path analysis. This is envisaged to synergise into improved journeys and transportation.

IXC innovation consultants and researchers, who work extensively in science, technology & engineering- including transportation- attended the event alongside attendees from the media, local government, academia, and commercial organisations.

Geoff Inskip, Chief Executive at Centro, commented that new business models are required to implement innovation and that collaborative ventures are needed. In addition, Roger Burgess, General Manager at Workspace SCC emphasised that we can bring innovation into large enterprises by not being afraid to make mistakes. David Hardman, CEO of Innovation Birmingham, supported this by his reflection that Car2Go was ahead of its time- not a negative- just a failure, which must be accepted.

As these thought leaders suggest, collaboration, innovation strategy, and innovation training are key to the successful adoption of new transport technologies. IXC innovation services such as Technology Watch, Partner Search, Innovation Portal, and Innovation Training, exactly meet such innovation endeavours, and are harnessed by innovative organisations in diverse sectors, including transport clients within rail, automotive, and aviation and aerospace.

IXC Innovation consultants and researchers Paolo Siciliano, Abhishek Bhagat, and Ben Tura attending the Transport Systems Catapult Event:
“Can Birmingham become a global leader in the adoption of new transport technologies?” 06 June 2014
Photo courtesy of Innovation Birmingham

How to adopt innovative transport technologies?

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